Wednesday, August 31, 2016

HWA's Poetry Showcase Volume III

I am unnaturally excited to announce that my poem “She Walks in Moonlight” has been published in HWA’s Poetry Showcase Volume III and is now available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle/electronic format.  It is a great honor for me to be included amongst such great poets as Bruce Boston, Corrine De Winter, Alessandro Manzetti, and many others.  Link to the anthology below.

This particular poem is part of a collection I’ve been working on inspired by the events that occurred at the Villa Diodati two hundred years ago in the "year without a summer” of 1816.  It is not a retelling of what happened there, but rather it is a piece inspired by the darkness that was born within its benighted walls, borne along by my ghost-gloomed imagination and macabre thoughts that I have carried with me over the last year.

Even though I am still fascinated and rather obsessed with what happened during that haunted summer, I must say that I am somewhat looking forward to finishing this collection and moving on to other projects.  After a year of reading/writing nothing but Gothic ghost stories and disturbing poetry, which included several midnight rereadings of Coleridge’s Christabel and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, being distressingly entranced in an almost perpetual mental state of shadowy thoughts, and having some of the most disturbing (and beautiful) nightmares that I’ve ever had, I dare say it’s not long before the incurable effects of melancholy and possibly even madness start to set in.

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